Post-doctoral fellow
Research Interests: Digital Rock Physics, Reservoir simulation, High Performance Computing (CPU/GPU), Deep learning
Researcher | Energy and Environment | CCUS & Low Net Carbon EOR Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
PhD student – Chemical Engineering (CE) Program
Research Interests: enhanced gas recovery, gas condensate dropout, phase change behavior, molecular diffusion modeling, EOS, Multiphase flow in porous media, microfluidics
PhD student
Research Interests: CCS, CCUS, Energy Resources, Energy Sustainability, CO2 Atlas Sustainability, CO2 Source to Sink Matching
Ph.D. Student -ERPE Program
Research Interests: Chemical enhanced oil recovery, CO2 EOR, Micromodels, Core flooding experiments, Reservoir & Simulation modelling
Lead Petroleum Scientist - Aramco
Research Interests: Formation damage, Stimulation, Organic and inorganic oilfield scale, Chemical enhanced oil recovery
MS Student -ERPE Program
Research Interests: Reservoir modeling, optimization, maximum recovery, uncertainty
MS Student -ERPE Program
Research Interests: Production & Process Optimization, Production Facilities Development, Surface Technologies
MS Student -ERPE Program
Research Interests: Multiphase flow, Production monitoring, Well Performance, Machine Learning
PhD student
Research Interests: Wettability, EOR, geo-sequestration, geo-storage, colloidal adsorption, shales, coal
Visiting Researcher
Research Interests: Reservoir Numerical Simulation, fractured reservoirs, Numerical Method, Meshless Method