Shiqi Liu

PhD Students

PhD student



Research focuses on experimental studies and numerical simulations of CO₂ and natural gas miscible displacement, microfluidics, and fracture-cavity flow to explore fluid dynamics and enhanced recovery mechanisms

Selected Publications

Experimental study on Feasibility of miscible flooding in extra-high water cut period of Qiuling Oil field Z.P. Xiao, S.Q. Liu, Y.B. Zhang, Y.C. Zhu, A.F. Li. Petroleum Geology and Recovery Efficiency, 3, 68-76, (2023).


M.Sc., Oil and gas engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, China, 2021

B.Sc., Petroleum engineering, China University of Petroleum (Shengli College), Dongying, China, 2016

KAUST Affiliations

Physical Science and Engineering Division (PSE)

Research Interests Keywords

Miscible displacement experiment Microfluidic displacement experiment Fracture-cavity flow mechanism