Research Scientists
Research Scientist
Assessing the potential of solubility trapping in unconfined aquifers for subsurface carbon storage.
Addassi, M., Omar, A., Hoteit, H., Afifi, A. M., Arkadakskiy, S., Ahmed, Z. T., ... & Oelkers, E. H
Scientific Reports 12.1: 1-15 (2022).
A coupled phase-field and reactive-transport framework for fracture propagation in poroelastic media.
Clavijo, S. P., Addassi, M., Finkbeiner, T., & Hoteit, H.
Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-15 (2022).
Comparison of various reactive transport simulators for geological carbon sequestration.
Addassi, M., Omar, A., Ghorayeb, K., & Hoteit, H.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 110, 103419 (2021).
Reactive mass transport in concrete, including for gaseous constituents using a two-phase moisture transport approach
M. Addassi, B. Johannesson
Construction and Building Materials, vol.232 , (2020)
Pore-scale modeling of vapor transport in partially saturated capillary tube with variable area using chemical potential
M. Addassi, L. Schreyer, B. Johannesson, H. Lin
Water Resources Research, vol. 52, 9, pp. 7023-7035, (2016)
Inverse analyses of effective diffusion parameters relevant for a two-phase moisture model of cementitious materials
M. Addassi, B. Johannesson, L. Wadsö
Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 106, pp 117-129 (2018)
2022-present: Research Scientist, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
2022-present: Postdoctoral fellow, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
2018-2019: Postdoctoral fellow, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark